Writing Centers and Tutoring

The Graduate Writing Center
The Graduate Writing Center (GWC) provides trained, friendly, and free peer consulting and workshops for Penn State graduate students.

Penn State Learning
Offers a variety of learning services for undergraduates. Students can meet with an undergraduate writing tutor, while instructors can request a tutor for an informational visit to their classes.

English For Professional Purposes Intercultural Center
EPPIC offers advanced English language and culture support services for multilingual international students, including workshops, customized presentations, intercultural conversation groups, and tutoring.

Course Information

The Rhetorical Situation
The rhetorical situation is one of the most fundamental and useful concepts we offer our students.

Grading Standards
The major criteria and standards for evaluation in each PWR-offered course.

Course Sizes
The maximum course caps for all courses offered by the program.

Library Course Guides

ENGL 15 Rhetoric and Composition
Tools to help you focus on the best topic, and find the best sources for your English 15 assignments.

ENGL/CAS 137H/138HRhetoric and Civic Life I/II
News outlets, digital help and other specialized sources for Rhetoric and Civic Life I and II

ENGL 202C Technical Writing
Specialized tools to help you with your Technical Writing assignments.

ENGL 202D Business Writing
Specialized tools to help you with your Business Writing assignments.

Databases and Portals

An inventory of publications in post-secondary composition, rhetoric, technical writing, ESL, and discourse studies.

The Forest of Rhetoric
A guide to the terms of classical and renaissance rhetoric.

Programs and Minors

Learning Edge Academic Program (LEAP)
LEAP is a summer program that “provides entering freshman the chance to begin their journey at Penn State University Park by way of a learning community.” Students take English 15 or CAS 100 in addition to a course in their major or field of interest.

Minor in Rhetoric
The Rhetoric Minor provides undergraduate students an opportunity to acquire special competence in the history, theory, and criticism of civic discourse and cultural practices.

Minor in Technical Writing
This 18-credit minor provides all undergraduate students, regardless of college or major, the opportunity for concentrated work in technical writing.

Minor in Creative Writing
This minor offers students not majoring in English the opportunity to explore different forms of creative writing–fiction, poetry, and nonfiction–or to focus primarily on one of them.

Conversations and News

Penn State’s Center for Democratic Deliberation
A nonpartisan, interdisciplinary center for research, teaching, and outreach on issues of civic engagement and democratic deliberation.

The Rock Ethics Institute
The Rock Ethics Institute promotes ethical literacy and catalyzes ethical leadership throughout the Penn State community and fosters interdisciplinary ethics research designed to address significant social issues and pressing world problems.

TEDxPSU was brought to the Penn State community in 2010. The mission of the event is to bring together innovative and thought-provoking individuals from the Penn State community and the world to share ideas worth spreading.

Publish Your Work

Penn Statements
Instructions for submitting undergraduate essays to Penn Statements for students and instructors.

Welcome to the home of Penn State’s Undergraduate Literary Magazine, Kalliope, a print journal published each spring by a dedicated staff of undergraduate students at Penn State University Park.

Klio is an online literary magazine conceived and published for the first time in the fall 2016 semester. This online magazine builds on the tradition of our sister print magazine, Kalliope, and includes works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual arts.

Tech Help

Tech Tutors
Personalized training on Access, Photoshop, Excel, ANGEL, PowerPoint, Visio, Word, Acrobat, InDesign, Sites at Penn State, WikiSpaces, Prezi, and more, Tech Tutors offer face-to-face help that’s hard to beat!

Sites at PSU
Create beautiful websites, fully supported by Penn State.

Media Commons
Working on a media project for your class and not sure where to begin?

Copyright Portal
Everything you ever wanted to know about copyright. And more.

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